Better communication goes both ways

Stay in touch with your drivers using our messaging app, which seamlessly integrates with your platform and other apps to help you stay connected

Send messages from your desk to your drivers

Put your back office in front of your drivers with two-way
communication tools that get the message across

Make sure they get the memo

When you need to send notes or reminders to your drivers,
 our app’s one-way memo feature gets the job done

Customize your communications

Choose how you want your messaging to work for your fleet with customizable features and application settings

Make sure they get the memo

When you need to send notes or reminders to your drivers,
our app’s one-way memo feature gets the job done

Make sure they get the memo

When you need to send notes or reminders to your drivers,
our app’s one-way memo feature gets the job done


How is PS Messaging tailored for drivers?

Can I tell if my driver has received my message?

What are deep links?